Monday, November 21, 2016

 QA-1 unit1
1.Engineer who decides, based on that knowledge of the technical aspects of science, mathematics and design theory of mind.
The most important lesson to those who want to be engineers, descriptive geometry, mathematics and physics.

2.Engineers should have a thinking and vision, a new initiate, design, communicate, and the Building following skills.Construction engineer for development seriously, background, materials, processes and work technology and design buildings and structures ends possess the ability calculations, type and production management knowledge to plan the construction industry in practice, management, design and monitoring skills

3.These include the engineering profession. It is a construction engineer,Aerospace engineer, Electrical engineer, Electronics engineer, Architectural engineer, Chemical engineer, Civil engineer, Mechanical engineer, Biolmedical engineer, Geologist, Software engineer, Hardware, Geophysical Engineering and mining engineer.
1.The most interesting topic was about to hold what skills, how to work with the engineers.
2.The most difficult topic was about the work done by each of the engineers and how they are trying to engineer and engineer.
3,Best engineering skills to innovation and design, to think, to be able to look at a number of different things, and also be able to design structures to be the foundation of knowledge engineering.
4.Skills such as management, innovative and certified thinking required.
5.I want to study software engineering. Because the high salaries and often out of place on the life of those who graduated in this field. Also can write your desired program. Thus, at present progressed step by step I think is a very Prospecting Skills.
Unit 2
1. We have knowing  the technical ability to engineer and not a word of our graduation. Thus, therefore, we need to practice out of practice for skills development.
2.Of course, need to be sincerely interested in their own confidence in the profession to develop these qualities.And every day is appropriate to develop and expand their knowledge and leave others first step.
1.Buildings used for the following types of materials. This material wood and natural stone materials, baigalliin raw materials derived materials, ceramic materials, glass materials, sticky binders, glue, paint base, plastic building materials multicomponent materials, chalk, clay materials, paper Rubber floor Rubber, use of a membrane roof.
2.Because the material of different instruments used in its own unique attributes.
Unit 3
1.One of the engineers is needed and necessary form. any form of engineers can provide customers with what is not. Therefore, engineers also need certainly a difficult shape.
2.Building form is a form of expression of the cultural life and building materials in rural areas. countries, the world's largest variety of different many different types of structures. For example, a curved shape for a rectangular dial, prisms, and people use and behavior.
1.  Engineering practices used in machinery manufacturing, construction, topographic and geological engineering and mining and for various purposes scheme constitutes a comprehensive science and engineering drawings.AutoCAD, CAD system applications, such as MechCAD, MathCAD, MapCAD, ArchCAD, GeoCAD, ElectroCAD, which are used for specific professional sectors.
AutoCAD software versions are the most common operating systems used in the development of engineering design. This processing system using the available planes and space design, visual imagery drawn objects at the sky, making a sign to see the form for the six scales, projections and print.
2.Descriptive Geometry is a space in the geometry (points, lines, surfaces) of a geometric field of study its projection imaging science.
The main purpose of descriptive geometry a nutshell:
explore different ways to describe on the geometry of the plane in space, projection imaging to determine the location (the intersection of geometric shapes interactions and nationality related to the skies in geometry icon, etc.) - and (distance, length, to determine the area and angle .m.) - processing of the policy is to devise methods.
1, There are tools designed for the following types of work. Cite include electrical devices work tools, heating, plumbing and mining, including construction transport and construction.
2,Any job is very important to be used as tools for the work. This can have significant impact on ensuring the ease and security for the people.
1.Simple machine is a mechanism designed to facilitate saving of human labor and power. It is unique by putting a model of simplified tough, rough thing with the complexity can not be man-made.
2.Simple machine makes it easy for things to improve to any thing higher capacity and lower, what trenching and drill press, roll and turn.
1.Energy physical quantity indicating the ability to do any physical work. The following are types of energy. including mechanical energy, thermal energy, electrical energy, internal energy, light energy, including wind energy, and nuclear energy.
2.Engineers of all car parts in order to determine its safety for  potential energy capabilities is a need to be examined individually.
1.Such as insulating rubber gloves, welding hammer, voltage meter,tester, power Lent and drilling equipment used to transmit current.
1. International System of Units - metric modern version. SI The most common corporate systems in use around the world and is used on a daily basis, both in trade and industry and science.
2.Why Engineers cause of the whole measurement system is used to prevent even a small mistake because each field type classes operating in an elaborate process.
1. I know scales of measurement, such as heavy-liter scale,gauge, and meter gauge and real. They are used in our day-to-day use.
2.International System of Units (the name of the French Le System international unit summary of SI or Mongolian SI) metric modern version. SI The most common corporate systems in use around the world and is used on a daily basis, both in trade and industry and science.
Old meter system consists of several groups of units. In 1960, based on the centimeter-gram-second (CGS) meter-kilogram-second (ISS) system rather than the system created by the SI unit system.
Metric System from the name of a number of new units. SI system is a revision of a new unit designed and comments as per an agreement between the State and not the constant development of measurement technology.
1.Integer, floating point numbers, even numbers and odd numbers, numbers, numbers, such as geometry, cardinal numbers, real numbers, transfinit numbers, complex numbers and natural numbers, the number of irratsionali.
2.Square of the other two times multiplied by number but has three times the multiplication of the number of cubic otherwise.
1. Then of building a new mandatory apply scientific methods.These include testing, observation and problem identification, planning, and carefully check the identification of the composition.
2.Using scientific methods, because it is important what people used to directly verify the livelihood understanding to see things invented scientists believe. Therefore needs to be implemented in the methods.
1.Step is to make engineering design includes planning, identifying solutions, and exterior and interior style, analysis, structure, quantity and volume. because it was important to meet those people's satisfaction together any design innovative design not just a simple commodity market, this is the most important and major issues.
1. Packaging is the main way products are advertised and identified. To the manufacturer the package clearly identifies the product inside and it is usually the package that the customer when shopping.
Advertising is very important when a manufacturer launches a new or existing product. The package, through its color scheme or logo, is what is normally identified by the customer.
The package will also contain important information including ingredients and ‘sell by date’.2.In information technology , an application is a computer program designed to help people perform an activity.An application thus differs from an operating system , a utility , and programming tool.Depending on the activity for which it was designed, an application can manipulate text, numbers , graphics , or a combination of these elements. Some application packages focus on a single task, such as word processing others called integrated software include several applications.
1. Our people our every move was an inseparable part of life occurs Power gateways stage is called in for, today trajectory provisions Oh, not very well-known. So, invented people held that this equipment Elaisha Gryeivz Otis simplifies our lives.
2,elevators used to transport carry a heavy cargo. But what type of cargo is transported there, depending on the capacity of different shapes.
3,primitive structure, the ancient power level of the first customers were builders. So Elaisha Otis began pondered a solution on how to ensure the safety habits of elevators. At first, he Lifts activities mechanism has one of its trains invented air brakes, but was very difficult to implementing his idea. Because marijuana position, during Lifts activities have very good control, pull out of necessity need one human brakes and, when it was clear that the people found no such diligent highly responsible and serious work. at the idea that my search of innovation So these brakes, invented the modern, simple equipment called takes no necessity lifts, ruling elevator brake. 
Question and Answer 1
1. what subject are the most important for people who want to be engineers?
Engineers need to be good at maths and sciences as it is applied to a number of different engineering issues.
As well as good grades in mathematics and sciences engineering also requires hands-on experience; and an understanding of innovation principles, processes, design and society

Question and Answer 2

1. What are good qualities for engineers to have?
Engineers are have to good at dependability, interpersonal and courage.
2. How can these qualities be developed?
We have to study all time.
3. What kinds of materials do people use to build structures?
Natural materials are always popular options. These include wood, glass and metal.
4. Why are some materials better for projects than others?
Wood is a good insulator. But it only has moderate tensile strength. Glass is a transparent material suitable for windows. But also very brittle.Metals are useful for the frameworks of structures. They are great conductors and have lots of luster. Their high ductility and hardness are other benefits.
5. How do shapes relate to engineering?
Shapes are relate to engineering for implement a new idea.
6. What different shapes do engineers use construct building?
Most building have a rectangle or square shape.
7.What kind of drawing do engineers make?
Engineers draw a plan, diagram and CAD drawing.
8.What is the purpose of engineers drawings?
Engineers drawings purpose is make a easy their jobs.

ICT  in my future essay
The most exciting part about an ICT career is the possibilities.  Think about how far society has progressed in the last century with technology. The technological growth taking place in the world today is doing so very rapidly and there are new advancements being made with each passing day and this is possible owing to the large number of extensive programs of technological research currently being done by a large number of researchers working within non-profit research organizations, business and universities. Technology in the 21st Century. Many of the technological advances we are seeing today will shape our daily life in the future – the way we relax, interact, communicate and conduct business.  From virtual worlds, avatar emotions, artificial intelligence, computer generated storytelling and narrative, interactive 360 holographic images, mixed reality, stress disorder virtual therapies and so much more.  ICT will continue to advance, empower and transform every aspect of our life.  Check out some of these emerging technologies and trends. Technology impacts on our daily lives. Our environments are all so full of technology to the point that most of the time we take it for granted and never actually notice the level of impact that it has on us until when we have no telephone, transport, water or electricity. Advancements in technology have greatly increased our living standards. Despite the fact that we are currently experiencing very high inflation rates and the rates of unemployment are very high, generally, people are feeding better, are dressing better and are as a matter of fact living more comfortable lives. The ICT industry is continually growing and developing.  New technologies are emerging and innovation is possible through these new technologies and the internet.  Technologies such as cloud computing, mobile technologies, social media, e-business and e-commerce, 3D imagery and content, brain wave sensing, gaming interfaces and controls for business applications and virtual worlds collaboration means new opportunities and new ways of working around the world.
Unit 11 Lesson A
shear-том хайч, хяргасан ,ноос зүслэг
compression-шахалт ,нягруулалт
graduated-шаталсан ,нарийн ,хэмжүүртэй ,ялгавартай
translator-орчуулагч, хөрвүүлэгч ,дамжуулан нэвтрүүлэгч,дохио өөрчлөгч
manufacturing-үйлдвэрлэл,боловсруулах арга,боловсруулалт
component-бүрэлдэхүүн хэсэг,орц,хольц,нэг хэсэг
applied-хавсарга,практик,нэмж тавьсан,түрхмэл
instrument-багаж хэрэгсэл,төхөөрөмж,хэмжигч
pressure-дарах хүч,шаардлага,нөлөөлөх
aircraft-нисэх хүчин,онгоц
U 10 LA
intelligent - ухаалаг
building management system - барилгын удирдлагын тогтолцоо
presence detector - холболт илрүүлэгч
detect - илрүүлэх, олох, илрүүлэлт
pick up - шилжүүлэх, адаптер, барих, баригч, гаралт
set off - зөрчил, зөрөлдөөн, сэргээх, нөхөн төлөх
trigger - цөмийн цэнэг, ажиллууах схем, түгжээ,
sensor - дохиологч, мэдээлэгч, мэдрэмтгий элемент
regulate - журамлах, зохицуулах, тохируулах, тааруулах
movement - хөдөлгөөн, урсгал, шилжилт
thermostat - халуун хадгалагч
pressure plate - даралтын хавтан, шахалтын хавтан
electric convector heater - цахилгаан конвектор халаагч
intruder alarm -  халдлагын дохиолол, довтолгооны дохиолол
approach - халдлага, арга, хандамж, ойртуулал
regard - хамаарах
practicality - практикт хэрэглэх боломж
mixture - найруулга, хольц, найрлага
critical issue - шиидвэрлэх асуудал, эгзэгтэй асуудал
switch-off delay - свитч унтраах саатал
open-plan offices - нээлттэй төлөвлөгөөний алба
individual offices - бие даасан алба
U 10 LB
optimum-оновчтой тохиромжтой
consumption-хэрэглээ зарцуулалт
cumulative-цуглуулга хуримтлагдсан нэгдсэн
U 9 LB
raise - нэмэгдүүлэх
transported - тээвэрлэгдсэн
attached - хавсаргасан
ascend - ахисан, өссөн
descend - буурсан, доошилсон
electromagnetic - цахилгаан соронзон
remotely - алсаас, алсын зайнаас
elevator - цахилгаан шат, лифт
surface - гадаргуу, нүүр
aimed - чиглэсэн, зорисон
astronauts - сансрын нисгэгч
payload - даацтай
orbit -  тойрог зам
theoretical - онолын
geostationary - газрын байрлалаа өөрчилдөггүй
vehicle - тээврийн хэрэгслийн
self-contained energy - биеэ даасан эрчим хүчний
problematic - асуудалтай, асуудал бүхий
anchoring system - бэхэлгээний систем
urgently - яаралтай
propulsion system - тийрэлтэт хөдөлгүүрийн систем

U 9 LA
global position system GPS - дэлхийн байршлын систем
associated - холбоотой, хамааралтай
topographical surveying - газарзүйн судалгаа
geological exploration - геологийн олборлолт, геологийн судалгаа
avionics equipment - нисэхийн электрон тоног төхөөрөмж
maritime applications - далайн програм, тэнгисийн апликейшн
geographical position - газарзүйн байрлал
simultaneously - нэгэн зэрэг
constellation - одны, оддын
external factor - гадаад хүчин зүйл

 U 8 LB
mug - оффис, аяга
sketch - ноорог
construct - барих, байгуулах
identify - тогтоох, тодорхойлох, адилтгах
assemble - угсрах, нэгтгэх
narrow - нарийн, нарийхан
constrain - саад, саад тотгор, саад болж буй
effective - үр дүнтэй, үр нөлөөтэй
highly-affordable - маш хямд
travel-friendly - аялал жуулчлалд таатай
feasibility study - техник эдийн засгийн судалгаа, боломжит судалгаа
preliminary design - урьдчилсан зураг төсөл
sketches - тойм зураг
retention - тогтвор суурьшилтай
exterior - гадна тал, өнгөн тал, интериер
construct - барьж байгуулах
evaluate - үнэлэх
effectiveness - үр ашиг, үр нөлөө
detailed design - нарийвчилсан зураг төсөл
verify - шалгах
criteria - шалгуур үзүүлэлт
grip - атгах, гар бариул, анхаарал татах

U 8 LA
problem - асуудал
variables - хувьсагчууд
experiment - туршилт
observation - ажиглалт
hypothesis - таамаглал
methodology - аргачлал
procedure - үйл явц
analyze - дүн шинжилгээ
result - үр дүн
control - хяналт
review - үнэлгээ, шинжилгээ
suggestion - санал
dissipate - сарниулах
   U 7 LB

integer - бүхэл тоо
significant figures - таслалын арын тоо
trailing zero - тэг бичих
leading zero - тэгээр эхлэх
rounding - бүхэлдэх
order of magnitude - хэмжээний дараалал
convention - гэрээ, зарчим
notation - тэмдэглэгээ, бичлэг
scientific notation - шинжлэх ухааны тэмдэглэгээ
digit - тоо, нэг оронтой тоо
calculation error - тооцооллын алдаа
   U 7 LA
equals - тэнцүү
cubed -  куб (3н зэрэг)
squared - квадрат (2 зэрэг)
percent - хувь
exponents - зэргийн илтгэгч
multiple - үржүүлэх
power - /ten to the fourth power - 10ын 4н зэрэг/

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